Monday, December 28, 2009


"Dedication" - a sermon delivered by Rev. Stephen Gentle at National City Christian Church on Sunday 12/27/09.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sign of the Times

"Sign of the Times" delivered by Rev. Stephen Gentle at National City Christian Church on 11/29/09

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Loyalty Dinner

Loyalty is an expression that has fallen out of fashion in the 21st century. Companies and employees are no longer expected to be loyal to each other. As consumers leap to the latest commodities, brand loyalty is a thing of the past. When looking for a church, most people seek ou the one that best meets their needs regardless of the denominational label or lack thereof. Perhaps the final refuge of loyalty is left to our canine companions, unaware that loyalty is no longer in vogue!

What does it mean to be loyal to something or someone at the end of the first decade of the new millennium?

Loyalty means first and foremost: "You can count on me!" That is the affirmation of National City Christian Church's Loyalty Dinner on November 22. It affirms that in an age of transient affiliations, we want to be part of something larger...part of a special work that can make a difference in our communities and the world.

National City Christian Church's special luncheon at the time of Thanksgiving - by any other name: Thanksgiving meal, Commitment Sunday, or Loyalty Dinner - is a special tradition. And long after "loyalty" has become passe in our world, we celebrate our commitments to Christ and his Church. On NOvember 22, plan on worshipping with us - and eating together - as we acknowledge that all of our loyalities are secondary to our love for God in Christ Jesus.

Please make your reservation for the Loyalty Dinner by signing up in the Atrium or by calling the church at 202-232-0323.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Prayer Support

Sermon on "Prayer Support" - National City Christian Church, Sunday 10/25/09

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Making a Way in Desert Times

God declared to Isaiah: "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:18-19

By any indicator I can imagine, our world's economy is experiencing "desert times." While there are promising signs, no one is forecasting happier days - just yet. Yet, God promised in Isaiah that a hopeful path is planned for our lives and our ministry. The world's economy and our own economic realities are significant, still God promises a new way in desert times, producing streams of water even in a wasteland.

The challenge of Christian ministry in this postmodern world seems overwhelming at times. The church must continually pursue a "new thing" by constantly analyzing whether or not yesterday's methods still bear fruit. Which means it is time for a....

Congregational Planning Event
October 24 at 10 a.m. to 12 noon, Howland Center

All members and friends of National City Christian Church are invited to participate as we pursue plans and strategies for our congregational life in these "desert times." in previous years this has been a time for brainstorming, but this year our congregation planners will be asked to think creatively about our development case statement, mission statement, and model for ministry.

Your input and participation is vital! Tough economic times call for tough new strategies in ministry. Your voice is important as we discern God's way in these "desert times."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Pentecost - An Offering And So Much More

Each year National City Christian Church receives a Pentecost offering for the New Church Ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). This offering provides support for new church planter training, coaching, special project grants, and additional services to support new congregations. Half of the money collected through our Pentecost Offering remains in our region to benefit new churches here. Give generously to the evangelistic ministries of our church, when we receive this special offering on May 24 and 31 - our special Pentecost.

Yet Pentecost is more than an offering. This anniversary of the birth of the Christian Church universal is celebrated 50 days after Eater Sunday. We remember a special time in Jerusalem when many nations of people gathered and received the Holy Spirit for the work of the Gospel.

Pentecost is a reminder of God's great providence in drawing together people of many nations, many languages, many theological sensibilities, and many political persuasions into Christ Jesus. Refresh your memory about this exciting moment in church history by reading the first couple of chapters in the book of the Acts of the Apostles.

Join the whole people of God on May 31 to give thanks for the birth of the church that continues to be an expression of God's presence in the world, and make a generous offering during Pentecost, so God's church may be extended through this land.

Stephen Gentle